Choosing a master

I don´t like to think about my future every single week on this subject. I would like to tell old stories (I have a few stories) about my parties, friends or holidays. I can´t relate the future and it turns in my head some days... however, I don´t know if I´m going to study an archaeologic master in the future (Telling the truth, I´m not really sure If I´m going to finish my career because IDK if archaeology turns better when I take my mention, but I still believe that), I´ve been thinking about that so much time... It sounds better study plastic arts iwhen I finish my career and after that I would like to do a master on primitive art or artistic expresions in another country like Argentina or Italy (not here in Chile because takes so much time). That´s the problem (to me It´s more easy to write about the past) IDK the future and I can´t stand people talking everyday like "you can build your future bla bla bla" and some boring quotes. YES I CAN MAKE SOME CHANGES but it´s hard to choose some things. Also I would like to take biological courses like ethology, I like to watch animals and their behaviors (for example cats, fishes, ants, etc.)


  1. tati,i understand you so much,and i think a course on plastic arts would make you very good ,overcoat for art´s techniques.LOVE YOU xoxo.


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