

This report will describe my experience in the Beatriz Arias National Park. This new place it´s called Beatriz Park, in honor of a anthropology student who die in this place doing a ethnographic there. My work in there was digging and cleaning work, doing ecological workshops.

My work experience:
I worked there six weeks to Monday to Friday (the weekend are free time in this park). The schedule started at 9 in the morning and ended at 5 in the afternoon. This park is located at the southern of Chile, near to the Chilean and Argentine Patagonia. In this park, the tourist will do a lot of activities such as fishing, camping, outdoor cooking, extensive walks around the main lake called "Qn-Qn" (Cun-Cun in the native language of the area) or also participate in the different workshops that take place in the Park. About this last point I worked in a ecological workshop called "Ecotourism and conscientious practices", and I did classes about how to enjoy this beautiful place without having to contaminate it. There´s no dress code, but they recommended us to wear outdoor clothing and shoes suitable for long walks. About my tasks I had to clean several areas, learn and teach how to recycle in the park and teach about the ecological diversity of the area and the importance of preserving it. My colleagues were nice but very moralistic, since they were all vegan and very ecologous, so it seemed abhorrent to them that other people did not follow their example. Finally, I think that work helped me to talk with different types of people, that´s a great step to me because I´m very shy and suspicious.

La imagen puede contener: 1 persona, sonriendo, de pie, montaña, cielo, exterior y naturaleza
this is the last picture of Beatiz Arias in this park. She died because she fell from a hill doing a walk.


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