Essay: About Feederism
This essay deals primarily with the phenomenon of "feederism", that it´s a practice between a couple when there´s a "feeder", who has the task of feeding his or her partner (the feedie) with extremely caloric value food. The objective it´s see how your feedie grow and fat up. Alyshia D. Bestard (2008) says "feederism is a phenomenon that involves people who are sexually aroused by thoughts and actions having to do with weight gain. (...) This can be done in the form of verbal encouragement to eat more or certain foods or it can be accomplished through physical encouragement in terms of cooking food, buying food, or literally feeding their partner food". I wan´t to start with the fact that the good corporal image always been identified with a skinny body, so this sexual practice tend to be more criticized and seen as a mental illness, since you consider beautiful a body that is not healthy for most of people. It´s also seen as an attack on you...